Documentary series

Original title: AHA!
Length: 4 x 52′
Writer and director: Una Radić and Tamara Babun
Cast: Ivan Đuričić
DOP: Tomislav Krnić
Costume design: Katja Šunjić Kudin
Producers: Tamara Babun and Una Radić / WOLFGANG & DOLLY LLC

AHA! is a travel and science themed series, in which the Croatian actor Ivan Đuričić travels and meets scientists from Croatia, who work at universities and institutes abroad. In their company, he discovers the cities they live in, the cities that shaped them as people.
Discovering their life stories, he seeks the moment of revelation in life, the “Aha!” moment. In the first season, we meet Dražen Prelec in Boston, Nedjeljka Žagar in Hamburg, Ana-Sunčana Smith in Erlangen and Iva Ridjan Skov in Copenhagen. Through the lens of themes such as curiosity, motivation, intuition, cooperation and heritage, this series reveals the science world and imposes some important questions regarding our future.

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Season 1

Ep: #1 How much truth is there?

Drazen Prelec, originally from Zagreb, has spent most of his life in Boston, where he is a professor at MIT. In conversation with Ivan Djuricic, they explored topics such as ocean travel, childhood memories, the intersection of math and humanities, credit card usage, and truth.

Ep: #2 The sky is not the limit

Nedjeljka Zagar, born in a small Croatian village, a professor of theoretical meteorology at the University of Hamburg. She and Ivan Djuricic explored various topics, including weather predictability, satellite importance, and cultural differences between Northern and Southern Europe.

Ep: #3 How great is our world?

Ana-Suncana Smith is an ERC grant winner, Senior Professor at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg and Senior Scientist at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute. Smith and Ivan are discussing science, the connection between music and physics, and the role of scientists in economic development.

Ep: #4 The future is electric!

Iva Ridjan Skov is an Associate Professor at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, researching energy planning. She discusses the Danish lifestyle, energy transition, Croatia’s potential for going green, among other topics, with Ivan Djuricic during their exploration of Copenhagen.

Season 1

Ep: #1 How much truth is there?

Drazen Prelec, originally from Zagreb, has spent most of his life in Boston, where he is a professor at MIT. In conversation with Ivan Djuricic, they explored topics such as ocean travel, childhood memories, the intersection of math and humanities, credit card usage, and truth.

Ep: #2 The sky is not the limit

Nedjeljka Zagar, born in a small Croatian village, a professor of theoretical meteorology at the University of Hamburg. She and Ivan Djuricic explored various topics, including weather predictability, satellite importance, and cultural differences between Northern and Southern Europe.

Ep: #3 How great is our world?

Ana-Suncana Smith is an ERC grant winner, Senior Professor at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg and Senior Scientist at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute. Smith and Ivan are discussing science, the connection between music and physics, and the role of scientists in economic development.

Ep: #4 The future is electric!

Iva Ridjan Skov is an Associate Professor at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, researching energy planning. She discusses the Danish lifestyle, energy transition, Croatia’s potential for going green, among other topics, with Ivan Djuricic during their exploration of Copenhagen.


24 sata
Serija ‘AHA’ je spoj znanosti i putopisa…

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Glumac Ivan Đuričić priča nam o seriji ‘Aha’_Svaka epizoda je imala budžet od 36 tisuća eura

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Od 27. ožujka na HRT- HTV1 kreće s prikazivanjem nova znanstveno-putopisna dokumentarna serija „AHA!“

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Da bi čovjek došao od točke A do točke B, mora ustrajati

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Prirodan je put da znanstvenici odlaze van kako bi se razvili


24 sata
Serija ‘AHA’ je spoj znanosti i putopisa…

24 sata
Glumac Ivan Đuričić priča nam o seriji ‘Aha’_Svaka epizoda je imala budžet od 36 tisuća eura